
As I'm working on Snap! C++, I have many places were I want to record a list of something.

Many times that list includes a reference to another column. Within the content table I use the links plugin to create references / connections.

So... Today I was enhancing the use of attachments to posts you make on a website. The actual files get saved in a table named files and I wanted to know who saved that file so I have a reference back to the content page. This will be useful when I want to file all the pages because, for example, the file is proven to be a virus.

If you're an SQL ...

As I was working on the Lock implementation in our C++ Cassandra library, I ran in a rather weird problem. The test would fail as many processes would not obtain the lock in time.

Looking at what was happening, even though I use QUORUM as the access consistency level, I could see that some of the test processes would attempt a read of the table and get nothing (0 columns returned!) even though the other 6 or 7 processes already wrote their information in the database.

After looking for a while, I finally found out that the problem was not Cassandra per se, nor the JavaSDK, nor the Cassandra ...

WARNING: This implementation of an inter-process, inter-computer lock works with Cassandra only if you know that you are directly dealing with a single Cassandra node at a time. The Cassandra C++ driver (probably all the drivers) makes use of a set of threads to connect to several Cassandra nodes and if the load of the current thread/node pair becomes too large, it will automatically switch to another thread/node pair. This means your messages may not be received in the order you sent them to the database cluster. As a result, the lock mechanism described below will not function as ...

As I got a 3 node Cassandra system, I can test in an environment that is much more realistic than my one local node. As I tried writing a new test, I got an error saying that a table wasn't ready. Looking at how the Cassandra-CLI does it, I now understand why it waits after creating a table. It actually synchronizes the schema on all the available nodes in your current ring. If the schema differs on any one node, then the CLI waits and tries again.

The fact is that you can run any number of Create, Update, and Drop functions in a raw as you'd like (as long as they are not against the ...

When starting cassandra, it starts in the background, if it crashes or fails in some way, it may write the information on your screen, and it may not. If you setup the logs properly, it will be in the logs. However, until you get all those things right, you may have trouble starting Cassandra.

First of all, you can use the -f flag to start cassandra in the foreground, like this:

.../bin/cassandra -f

That way you should get the error information on your screen. From there you should understand what's wrong.

In my case, I had a first problem which was a crash. This was due to a stack ...

I added some support for composite columns to libQtCassandra 0.4.3.

This allows one to read and write columns with composite names. This just means a way to read a column with optimized comparisons (i.e. if you include a 32 bit number, it uses 4 bytes in the table, whereas, using a name with a 32 bit number converted to hexadecimal would be 8 bytes, not counting posssible separators and potential for the separators to not allow easy constant sorting.)

Contrary to belief, the different part of a composite column name are not separated by colons. This is only in the CLI and many 4th generation ...

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