Development Started

The development of this feature started. It is still in the early stage and not likely to work as expected on any platforms.

See a complete list of features sorted by Snap! Websites Development Status

Auto-save feature

We want to have an auto-save feature that takes the content of an editor and all the flags and everything else in the form and send it to the server via AJAX as a temporary save (or auto-draft.)

More or less, if the user comes back after losing his connection, he will see what was auto-saved and not the current state. (i.e. a special revision, if you wish.)

The auto-save must be fully secure just like the regular submit button.

Assuming that he Submit is also an AJAX POST, then we don't need to duplicate the work (especially because we'd want the page to auto-update, etc.) the only ...


Some pages just cannot be deleted. If so, it would break the system as a whole.

The current implementation adds a lock to all the pages automatically added through the add_xml() function (via the content.xml file.) By default, all those pages are marked as "cannot be deleted." And no one can change that from the interface (obviously, if you have direct access to the database...) As the implementer of a content.xml, you can change the default if some of your pages can safely be deleted and are expected to be deleted at some point.


We want to look into ...

Avatar feature

Offer people to attach an image to their email address (with verification of the email address.)

We may also want to cache avatars from other platforms as Wordpress uses so we still leave that door open. Always check their terms and conditions (And make a copy of the one we go by) to make sure we can indeed do that.

Our snapwebsites support avatars under the /avatar path (assuming they have the avatar plugin installed). The images are checked on the Snap! Websites first, then external websites such as Gravatar and

Feature Requirements

Here is a list of detailed requirements more or less on a per plug-in basis.

More of the features are viewed as third party plug-ins since the Core system is pretty small. The few items part of the core are marked with [Core] and made part of the Core Feature group.

This list gives information that should be accessible to everyone, not just technical people.

Soon I will start marking features that are implemented as we are getting more and more of thos done.

We now have started to really work hard on the development and offer a page with the current development status of Snap! C++.

The ...

Snap! Websites
An Open Source CMS System in C++

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