Not Implemented

This feature is not yet implemented. The development has not even started.

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A plug-in that lets us change Apache settings without having to do too much (i.e. more or less a way to set one line or more in Apache from the server.)

For example, a customer may want to use www. in front of his domain and enforce it. So if someone tries to access instead, we can ask Apache to add the www. which makes it a lot faster than asking the Snap! server to do it.

Another example of such a redirection is for systems such as feedburner. You can setup your Apache system to redirect everyone from your default rss.xml file to read the feedburner feed instead. That ...

When creating a page, it should be possible to password protect that very page.

To extend the feature, it should be possible to password protect a whole area on a website. For example, anything under the /protected/ path would ask users for a password before they can access the data.

This mechanism has been used for photo galleries where a set of photos is uploaded online and the photographer gives the customer access to that section of his website. With this property in the core system we can easily make this work.

Also this is great for Internet Marketers who want to lure people in their ...

Sticky Notes feature


Allow all users to attach a note to a page.

Offering all users to attach a note can be very helpful to get private comments from anonymous users, reviewers/moderators, etc. without having to create specialized features for each specific case.

By default, anonymous users may not be given access and once given access, it may require them to enter a simple CAPTCHA code to avoid auto-spam bots.


Making one Sticky Note available on all pages could make it useful as a bookmarking system too.


Offer a filter that takes the original body data and searches for TODO ...

Date/Time feature

Whenever someone writes a page, the creation time and/or modification time may be displayed.

The user has the choice to hide that information or edit it to make it to his/her taste. (i.e. maybe the person created the page on the 1st of Aug. but really wrote the content on the 15th...)

The date and time are defined in a single widget. The editing of that widget should present a simple line (i.e. 08/01/2011 13:45) or an advanced calendar and clock popup. The widget should have a button so someone can switch between both edit methods.

The widget is smart enough to detect errors on the spot. So ...

Comment feature

We want a super slick comment feature a la WordPress were:

1. The comment is written and shown immediately as if it were accepted (using JS)

2. The comment is sent to the server with AJAX

3. If the comment includes an email address query for an avatar using the avatar plugin (i.e. part of the AJAX reply).

4. AJAX checks whether a new comment was posted and displays it (i.e. if user A wrote a comment and user B is on the same page, then user B sees user A comment not too long afterward; in effect, the same functionality as the Facebook comments)

5. If the comment was a reply to another ...

Snap! Websites
An Open Source CMS System in C++

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